The Salt & Light Council’s church ministry informs and equips Christians to be biblically responsible citizens. Every church should have a Salt & Light Citizenship Ministry.”

-Mat Staver, Chairman of The Salt & Light Council and Chairman of Liberty Counsel

Pastor Jim Garlow, Skyline Weslyan Church

“The Salt & Light Council has a sustainable solution for keeping churches engaged in the culture in a meaningful and effective manner. You can take a simple step by getting your church trained to have a Salt and Light Citizenship Ministry where everyone can recognize their responsibility and have the tools on site to pray, get educated and take appropriate action to defend our Christian beliefs and protect our religious freedoms.” 

Pastor Gary McCartie, Horizon Christian Fellowship

“Salt & Light Council provides a turn-key citizenship ministry for any church that is ready to take an active role in being part of the solution. Through this ministry you have a bundled support program where you are backed legally, legislatively with research and policy. You get the very best information from a biblical perspective plus an excellent training program that will help citizens of the church recognize their responsibility while working together with their pastor to uphold our Christian roots in America.” 

Pastor Brian Hendry, Zion Christian Fellowship

“Our Salt & Light Ministry has been extremely helpful to our church’s understanding of the civic realm and has been vital to our involvement in it. As a faith community, we are able to fulfill our responsibility to be salt & light in the culture in a way that is compatible with our mission and vision. I highly recommend Salt & Light Ministry for every Bible-believing church.”

Pastor Ken Graves, Calvary Chapel

Please consider selecting some of your people with leadership qualities for this day long training seminar. As your brother and fellow laborer I urge you to please participate. I know you’re all busy men, that’s why a Salt and Light Committee would help you and allow you to maintain your focus on the WORD of GOD and prayer as others keep our churches informed and in prayer for our communities and our state and nation.
Grace and Peace Brothers!

Pastor Leo Giovenetti, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship

Thank you so much for doing this ministry, this service, because it is one of my hearts desires to be politically active.  Righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach to any people, and you give us the edge, because you do all the footwork and all the extra things.

Pastor Paul Jehle, Plymouth Rock


1. The fact that you have packaged the materials in an easy-to-use format is a blessing – many of us have taught the concepts but not done the packaging – well done!

 2. Your desire to work through the local church is not only a blessing to pastors but Biblically mandated – praise God you see this!

Prayerfully we will make sure Salt and Light not only has a table – but is connected with the other constitutionally minded pastors and civic leaders throughout New England.  We look forward to working with you in the future.  God Bless!

Pastor Clark Van Wyck – California

We appreciate the work that God is doing in the Salt & Light Ministry.  Their precision in getting the true facts that Christians need to make godly decisions in these last days is critical for churches today.  Salt & Light Ministry have really put the tools we need as church leaders to help lead our congregations for better tomorrow.

Pastor Rick Scarborough, Vision America

“I strongly recommend that if you don’t have a Salt and Light Citizenship Ministry in your church that you get one as soon as possible. Salt & Light Council helps to educate the church body and pastors to take action in our communities to defend our Christian and family values

Start a Biblical Citizenship Ministry

The Salt and Light Council

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