Judge Roy Moore

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore was suspended for the remainder of his term by the Court of the Judiciary over claims by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that he was telling probate judges what to do regarding a marriage case, although he denied the charge. An appeal has been filed and a motion to recuse a number of judges who have expressed opinions on the dispute. The issue is far from resolved. In October, acting Chief Justice Lyn Stuart and Justice Michael Bolin called in three law clerks who formerly worked for Moore and fired them, too. Liberty Counsel, led by attorney Mat Staver, contends the basis of SPLC’s attack on Moore is nothing but his personal stance on [natural] marriage.

SCRIPTURE:  Hebrews 6:10.
PRAY:  Judge Roy Moore is afforded a just decision.
ACTION: Go to the Salt & Light table. Write a postcard to Liberty Counsel. “Dear Mr. Staver, Thank you for defending Judge Roy Moore. I am praying for you.”

Mat Staver, President, Liberty Counsel, PO Box 540774 Orlando, FL 32854.


The Salt and Light Council

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