• Dran Reese
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Next Generation Online: Rights of the Colonists pt.1


PreservingĀ  Our Christian Culture Through Biblical Citizenship!
Age Group 13+
  • “Rights of the Colonists pt. 1” – Christy’s Letter to You
  • “Thomas Jefferson & Equality” w Dinesh D’Souza
  • History Hangout: “5 ReasonsĀ Thomas Jefferson was the Best Founding Father”

Hi! I’m Christy Kind. I’m a fellow high schooler, and IĀ wantĀ you to knowĀ you’re not alone in life, and that Jesus is the answer!

Hello Friend! This month we begin a three part series on a document calledĀ Rights of the ColonistsĀ written by Founding Father Samuel Adams in 1772. This ā€œessayā€ was part of the Colonists pushback against tyranny from Great Britain, and listed the God-given rights of man that should be defended by the government.Ā Ā Enjoy! – Christy

Dinesh D’Souza talks about Founder Thomas Jefferson and the controversy surrounding his statement that “All men are created equal.”Ā Ā Watch now!!

~H I S T O R YĀ  H A N G O U T~
Learn about the founding of America!

And, here’s where we can each make a difference.
Combine your prayers with action!

Prayer:Ā Ā Pray for churches in America to stand strong against the lies in today’s society. From abortion, to sexuality, to lies about a virus, the Church is being attacked. Pray your pastor and church leadership will boldly preach the truth of God’s Word.

Action:Ā Write your pastor and the leadership of your church and tell them you are praying for them; encourage them to stand strong as they submit to the Lord.Ā 

Author: Dran Reese
The Salt and Light Council

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