Your Gift This Christmas Season Can Make a Difference

Help us protect America’s Judeo-Christian heritage



Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries: We continue to train and equip Affiliate Leaders with onsite Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministries. Can you imagine churches all over the nation worth their salt and engaged on issues participating with a Biblical worldview in elections? To not skip a beat, this year, we added a FREE option for certification. God is fighting for us! The time is now to activate Christians as the game-changers in our culture.
Please help fund this HERE!



The Content of Character Series Summits: Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King said it, “We start to die the moment we become silent about the things that really matter.” Not us! We have completed five Summits in the inner cities across America with more planned for 2019. Hearts and minds are turning to God, as we affirm the value and dignity of Black Americans.
Please help fund this HERE!


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The Judeo-Christian Caucus: We are keeping the Judeo-Christian voice alive and vibrant in the culture through education on our Judeo-Christian Heritage and mobilizing the vote on key Issues: Religious Liberty, Israel, The Persecuted Church & Pro-Life Issues. This new collaboration presents our unified voice in government. Get involved!
Please help fund this HERE!



One-stop Election Resource for Biblical Voters: We provided a one-stop, online source for everything you need to be a Biblical Voter: All state voter guides, Biblical voter-registration tools – you name it! We are in position for the 2020 election cycle and are ready to train!
Please help fund this HERE! 


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Social Issues: If there is a hot-button issue, we are on it: Comprehensive Sexuality Education in public schools, homosexual and transgender activism, abortion, the true effects of marijuana, the legalization of assisted suicide, and so many more. We partner with top Christian organizations and disseminate the information to educate and activate the Church through our monthly online Lecture Series webinars and published newsletter, and daily through Facebook and other social media.
Please help fund this HERE! 


The Salt and Light Council

If anything has been useful or helpful, please consider a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible donation.