INDIANA Salt & Light State Leaders

Salt & Light Council Leadership

Greensburg, IN

Heidi Pezdek

About Their Salt & Light Ministry

The “Aha” Moment!

Heidi and Frank Pezdek have a passionate reason to see God’s morals promoted in America—their kids. “As our children got older, we could see the world they were going to live in was going to be different than the world we lived in,“ Heidi recounts. “We were seeing our Christian values trampled on; we had to fight for them.“ Biblical worldview conferences were highly informational but lacked follow up. Dran Reese, Founder and President of Salt and Light Council, offered to help them set up a Salt & Light Biblical Citizenship Ministry in their home church, lending the vehicle they needed.

The Call-to-Action

Heidi notes, ”We are blessed with the support of our pastors.” Church leadership promotes the Biblical Citizenship Ministry by addressing cultural issues from the pulpit, supporting the local pregnancy care center, allowing a monthly ministry table in the foyer, conducting voter registration, promoting class speakers, and providing a stipend to help with ministry expenses. First Baptist Church is a congregation where Biblical values are taught and practiced from pulpit to pew.

Start a Biblical Citizenship Ministry

The Salt and Light Council

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