Israel is re-assessing its options following the December 23, 2016, adoption by the United Nations Security Council of a resolution, including East Jerusalem, demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. The vote was able to pass the 15-member council because the United States broke with a long-standing approach of diplomatically shielding Israel and did not wield its veto power as it had on many times before—a decision Netanyahu called “shameful.” The United States abstained in the Security Council decision, which passed with 14 votes in favor.
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 122:6.
PRAY: The U.S. returns as Israel’s greatest friend.
ACTION: Go to the Salt & Light table. Write a postcard to your U.S. legislators: “Dear Sen./Rep. (Name), I urge Congress to support Israel’s Biblical right to exist as a Jewish nation.”
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