Dran Reese, Voter Forum

Donald J. Trump is set to become our incoming 45th President of the United States. Evangelical Christians that voted for him in record numbers hope for the best: a leader who acknowledges our dissatisfaction with the “antis”: the anti-God and anti-prayer movements. We see brighter possibilities for the “pros,” including a more pro-life, pro-family administration and Congress. We, at The Salt & Light Council, view this not only as an opportunity to turn heads in D.C. Better, we perceive a turning point for the Body of Christ. Might God be saying, “Okay, I am giving you more time. Now, Church, let’s see what you’ve got!” If so, we have a renewed opportunity to turn America back to Biblical relevancy. President-Elect Trump promises to overturn The Johnson Amendment. Good. We look forward to a quick thaw of a 60-year chill on our constitutional rights. More than legislation is required, though. We need transformation. The hearts and souls of Americans must be won back to the Gospel. It’s time, Church, to be salt and light.

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:13-14; 16:18,19.
PRAY:  Revival again sweeps America!
ACTION: Go to the Salt & Light table. Write a postcard to both Congressional leaders: Mitch McConnell (Senate-KY) and Paul Ryan (House-WI): “Dear Sen. McConnell /Speaker Ryan, As a Biblical citizen, I urge you to uphold God’s moral values in the 2017 Congress including life and natural marriage.” 

Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510. House speaker Paul Ryan, 1233 Longworth HOB Washington, D.C. 20515.



The Salt and Light Council

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