CALIFORNIA Salt & Light State Leaders

Salt & Light Council Leadership

San Jose, CA

Tim Appleby

About Their Salt & Light Ministry

The ā€œAhaā€ Moment!

Tim Appleby was participating in a menā€™s study when he discovered his passion and calling through a curriculum developed by former NFL coach Tony Dungy. It encouraged men to find the nexus between their talents, interests or concerns, and areas of involvement. ā€œIā€™ve always been interested in politics; Iā€™ve always been interested in the Bible and government. It all came together for me, and it was pretty simple to connect the dots,ā€ Tim reveals. Soon, he was introduced to the Salt & Light Council. ā€œI said, ā€˜My goodness, thatā€™s got my name written all over it.ā€™ā€

The Call-to-Action

In addition to holding well-attended monthly prayer and action meetings, and working with his pastor to host a pre-election event promoting Biblical values, Tim is telling other churches about The Salt & Light Council. ā€œWeā€™re getting the message out, but itā€™s slow,ā€ he admits. ā€œWeā€™re so busy doing everything the way weā€™ve always done it; we never see whatā€™s available thatā€™s new and better. If the Church doesnā€™t speak up, who will?ā€

Start a Biblical Citizenship Ministry

The Salt and Light Council

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