• Dran Reese
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Donald J. Trump is set to become our incoming 45th President of the United States. Evangelical Christians that voted for him in record numbers hope for the best: a leader who acknowledges our dissatisfaction with the ā€œantisā€: the anti-God and anti-prayer movements. We see brighter possibilities for the ā€œpros,ā€ including a more pro-life, pro-family administration and Congress. We, at The Salt & Light Council, view this not only as an opportunity to turn heads in D.C. Better, we perceive a turning point for the Body of Christ. Might God be saying, ā€œOkay, I am giving you more time. Now, Church, letā€™s see what youā€™ve got!ā€ If so, we have a renewed opportunity to turn America back to Biblical relevancy. President-Elect Trump promises to overturn The Johnson Amendment. Good. We look forward to a quick thaw of a 60-year chill on our constitutional rights. More than legislation is required, though. We need transformation. The hearts and souls of Americans must be won back to the Gospel. Itā€™s time, Church, to be salt and light.

SCRIPTURE:Ā Matthew 5:13-14;Ā 16:18,19.

PRAY:Ā Revival again sweeps America!

ACTION:Ā Go to the Salt & Light table. Write a postcard to both Congressional leaders: Mitch McConnell (Senate-KY) and Paul Ryan (House-WI): ā€œDear Sen. McConnell /Speaker Ryan, As a Biblical citizen, I urge you to uphold Godā€™s moral values in the 2017 Congress including life and natural marriage.ā€Ā 

Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnellĀ 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510.Ā House speaker Paul Ryan, 1233 Longworth HOB Washington, D.C. 20515.


Author: Dran Reese
The Salt and Light Council

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