First Name Office Pledge*
Alegria Jo Medina  Cajon Valley Union District Yes
Alessio Kristine  La Mesa City Council Yes
Ambrose Tony  El Cajon City Council Yes
Andersen Eric  71st Chair Yes
Baber Bill  School Board La Mesa – Spring Valley Yes
Brewer Bob  Judge NO
Bribiesca Juan M State Senate Yes
Candelore Craig  Rep Central Committee Yes
Chavez Rocky  Assembly 76th District Defaulted
Decker Barbara  Assembly 78th District Yes
Demaio Carl  Congress 52nd District. NO
Frye Randy  State Rep 67, Greensburg, IN Yes
Gosselin Ken Judge Seat 25 Yes
Gutierrez Lydia A Superintendent of Public Instruction Yes
Hanson Scott  SD Community College District Trustee – B Yes
Jones Brian  Assembly 71st District Yes
Jorgensen Kirk  Congress 52nd District Yes
Kelly Jim Pres. Grossmont Union High School Board Yes
Knianicky Bohdan Central Committee Yes
Marchese Joel Congress 53rd District Yes
McClellan Bob  El Cajon City Council Yes
McCoy Robert R California Assembly – Newbury Park,CA Yes
Moore John Assembly 79th District Yes
Newnan Robert  Governor – CA Yes
Pickard Lincoln  SD City Council District 8 Yes
Schreiber Priscilla  Grossmont Union High School district Yes
Schworm “Lily” Emily  El Cajon City Council Yes
Sexton Michael Central Committee Yes
Slagle Justin A  School Board Cajon Valley Union Yes
Smith Allyson R Central Committee Yes
Spackman Sandy  SD City Council Dist 4 Yes
Stieringer Jim  Grossmont Union High School District Yes
Swainston Duane  El Cajon City Council Yes
Vasquez Racquel  Lemon Grove City Council Yes
Vitollo Francis "Joe" Congress – 20th District Yes
Woodrum Donna  Board of Trustees Yes
Woods Gary Grossmont Union High School District – Governing Board Member Yes
*Pledge also known as The Families First
Yes = They signed the pledge and an original is on file.
No = They were handed the pledge, refused to sign or did not return.
Defaulted = They signed yes, but defaulted on their commitment.

Salt and Light Council\Excel Lists\Families First Pledge Excel\Families
First Pledge List Excel

The Salt and Light Council

If anything has been useful or helpful, please consider a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible donation.