The U.S. has become very dependent on China for medicines. Find out what medicines we’re buying from China, where you can find out where your medicines are made, and actions that need to be taken to assure the nation’s health security.
“Exposing The Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine”
Rosemary Gibson is Senior Advisor at the Hastings Center and Perspectives Editor for JAMA Internal Medicine.
At the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Rosemary was chief architect of its twelve-year $250 million national strategy to establish palliative care in the nation’s hospitals. Today, more than 1800 hospitals have a palliative care program, an increase from about 10 in the 1990s. Ms. Gibson is recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Her book, China Rx, was one of 100 books featured at the 2018 National Press Club Book Fair. Rosemary served as 2019 Co-Chair of the IHI National Patient Safety Congress and will do so again in 2020.
6:15-7:00pm PT
8:15pm-9:00pm CT
9:15pm-10:00pm ET
(563) 999-2213 Meeting ID: 362224
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