U.S. - Israeli Ties

The Salt & Light Council thanks our new President upon the signing of an executive order reinstating the Mexico City policy defunding organizations that promote and perform abortions in other countries. We applaud the President for a decision that can now redirect taxpayer dollars away from abortion. “Without this protection in place, foreign NGOs receiving U.S. government funds promote and perform abortion throughout the world with the imprimatur of the United States,” explains Congressman Chris Smith (New Jersey) who has championed the Mexico City Policy for more than three decades. He informs, “Organizations like Marie Stopes International and the International Planned Parenthood Federation have reported performed over one-million abortions annually. Pro-abortion NGOs also set up additional projects overseas seeking to topple pro-life laws, imposing a new colonialism that fails to respect life-affirming cultures.” Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America says, “This is a new day for all Americans, and we are excited about reversing Planned Parenthood’s hold on Washington.” We couldn’t agree more!

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:6.
PRAY: America defunds abortion in our country.
ACTION: Go to the Salt & Light table. Write a postcard to President Donald Trump: “Dear President Trump, Thank you for defunding abortions overseas. I urge you to fight for preborn lives in America, as well.





The Salt and Light Council

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