Betsy DeVos, AFC Chairman

According to The American Federation for Children, which calls itself “the nation’s voice for educational choice,” the list of key school choice supporters includes members of both major political parties. AFC Chairman Betsy DeVos comments, “More and more voters are rejecting the notion that the government should dictate where children should go to school and are rejecting the failed, one-size-fits-all education policies of the past.” Today, 25 states and Washington, D.C., offer 50 private school choice programs, and 43 states have public charter schools. “This is a movement to give parents the power to choose the best educational environment for their children, regardless of whether it’s public, private, charter, virtual, homeschool, or a blend of learning environments,” says AFC.

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 2:10.
PRAY:  Parents take control of their child’s educations.
ACTION: Go to the Salt & Light table. Write a postcard to your state legislators: “Dear Sen./Rep., If you support school choice, thank you. If not, please do.”
Learn how school choice fares in your state:



The Salt and Light Council

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